A review by jecinwv
Womanish: A Grown Black Woman Speaks on Love and Life by Kim McLarin


As a fan of essays this book was just what I needed. At less than 100 pages I was able to read this over the course of an afternoon. I ended feeling full of ideas. Womanish is a collection of essays on black womanhood, education, politics, motherhood, online dating, mental health, and racism. Kim lays out her own life in an easy to follow narrative. She points out various issues of race and addresses them towards a white audience. She also gets very personal. What I love about Kim is her ease in coming to and accepting adulthood. Kim is a strong woman but you also get to see the reasons that she is one, both societal, personally, and racially. As a white woman I am grateful that writers like Kim exist. A lot of truths in here might be hard to swallow for some but are necessary to hear. The use of quotes, connections, and parody to literature was amazing and I felt them deep in my literary loving heart. I secretly am jealous of the college students that have Kim as their professor. I cannot suggest this enough!