A review by mari_escapeinabook
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


My summary:
In Calcutta in the 1930's a soldier is fleeing with two precious bundles in his arms. He has to make it across town and deliver the two bundles somewhere they're safe, death is on his heels.

Now sixteen years have passed since that dreaded night and evil is back in town but why is it after the twins?

My thoughts:
This is the third novel I've read by author Carlos Ruiz Zafón and while I have enjoyed all three of them I feel like he found a receipt for success and decided to stick by it. The Midnight Palace was a nice and at times chilling read but I feel that it bears a lot of resemblance to both The Prince of Mist and The Shadow of the Wind.

The main character in this story grew up in a orphanage in Calcutta and he and his friends there started a secret society. Since there is a small society involved the story has several different characters, each of them brought something to the story and non of them felt like they were added just as a filling.

Readers who haven't read the two books I mentioned in this short review will probably enjoy this book a lot more than I did.

The cover:
Ominous - who's that scary guy coming right at us! A great choice of cover for the story.