A review by jackiehorne
A Scot in the Dark by Sarah MacLean

Did not finish book.
Couldn't get past a third of the way into this one. The set-up of the story just didn't make sense, historical-wise, and didn't resonate emotion-wise. Why would a man who has ignored his ducal duties for five years suddenly feel the need to come to the rescue of a girl in his guardianship who is facing a social scandal? Especially since said girl is no relation, nor even the child of a friend, but merely the child of the steward of one of his predecessors to the title? A daughter of a steward would not rate a place in London society, and neither would the man (an actor/painter) who is about to ruin her reputation by displaying a nude painting of her in an art show. And why would the daughter of a steward be sent to London, rather than away from the estate, to be raised?

I might have kept reading if either of the two protagonists had a goal or motivation about which I could care, or a character that interested me. But neither Lily and Alec had anything intriguing about them, and their interactions are of the sniping sort rather than the witty sort.