A review by wc4
The Persephone Star by Jamie Sullivan


**Big thanks to Riptide Publishing for providing me with an ARC for an honest review!**
3.75* How to describe this book: an F/F sky pirate story set in an Wild West type town? Penelope has followed her father as he moved west from New York, establishing banks in the West. She now works as a postmistress and self-installed librarian. Her father has also agreed to her engagement to the town Sheriff. She lives a life where women are supposed to know their place and allow the men to control their lives. Then, she hears news of a bunch of female-only criminals headed by Mirage Currier. They travel in an airship and can be described as sky pirates. The Sheriff's deepest wish is to kill Mirage and her gang. Penelope found herself kidnapped by the gang and starts to know their backstories. And what do you know, she even finds herself liking them!
This type of heroine meets dashing pirate and falls in love story is not uncommon. I've always found them quite fun to read. Who does not want to live vicariously and go on an adventure with a good-looking rake? The setting here is a bit different with the wild, lawless West but with airships. But, if there's one gripe I have, it's that the resolution came too quickly. It would be a good candidate for a sequel though, letting us get to know Mirage and her crew more deeply.