A review by stormywolf
Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh


 After reading and buying the first book, I could not wait to get my hands on the next. Though the blog has been fairly dead since her first publication, I found that she's in process of uploading a truckload of pictures (both drawings and photos) to her facebook page as "an attempt to answer the question of what life was like during the seven years between books." So, yeah, not much going into reading this, just sort of a "see book, must read" kind of mindset.

Read my full review at The Wolf's Den

Overall, this is another great book from Allie Brosh. Fans of her first book will no doubt have already pounced on this one, but those who haven't yet will definitely find more to love. Part autobiography, part stand-up routine, this illustrated conglomeration of stories refuses to be constrained by labels, and thus surpasses them all. I would highly recommend checking it out, especially if you're in the mood for a little laughter with the tears.