A review by qalminator
Experimental Film by Gemma Files


Impressive and fascinating slow creep. This is one that builds up very slowly to the actual horror elements, so some people may find that off-putting, but I found the pacing perfect for the content. It's being written as a retrospective on events, so the narrator (Lois) occasionally puts some commentary in hinting at things to come, to get the tension building sooner.

There's an embedded fairy tale of Lady Midday, who accosts people and punishes them if they are not carrying out their proper tasks, or don't know what those tasks should be. She is at the heart of the story, first with Iris Whitcomb's paintings and films, then with Lois's obsession with them. Naturally there actually is a Lady Midday, who has her (Her) own agenda.

Gemma Files' writing is, as usual, spectacular, and the plot is well-crafted. Recommended.