A review by rsr143
The Secret Life of Groceries: The Dark Miracle of the American Supermarket by Benjamin Lorr


Phenomenal: gut wrenching and illuminating

I don’t know what I expected, after all this is a book about supermarkets! I loved the authors prior book about yoga, and gave this a shot. Wow, this is a far deeper and more personal a book than I imagined. Do you know where your food comes from? Check out this book and learn the truth about what’s behind the supply chains of the items you buy.

I will never again think the same about price shopping and striving to seek the cheapest items. There’s a complicated business and human story behind our food. What I really enjoyed about the book, was that it progressively took me deeper into the human side of things as the book went on.

It opened my eyes further to the problem of human slavery and indentured servitude, that’s far too present in the supply chains of our food products.