A review by tee_tee_lou_lou
Soft Like Thunder by Julia Wolf


This books was so good and I shouldn't even be surprised because Julia wolf's savage crew series was amazing, start a fire was one of my favourite high school bully romance books, this book is a continuation of that series and I'm so happy we got Hell's books.
This book was not exactly what I was expecting based on that prologue... I was thinking bully, arrogant rich jerk falls for our girl Helen but I was pleasantly surprised, I was so happy to see that Theo wasn't a bully and really was there for Helen from the start and it wouldn't have worked any other way because Helen couldn't be with anyone that was not good to her, she wouldnt be able to tolerate it.
Theo was only really a jerk that once when he got into her about her job and Hell's took her time to forgive him for it, as she should!
Helen hurt my heart, she's had such a hard life and it's made her create this hard exterior to protect her heart from shattering and it was so good to be inside her head after only having snippets of her in the savage crew series... I remember when she was first introduced and I though she might be the "other woman" queen B who causes issues for grace but of course she turned out to be awesome and solid as a rock.
Other things I loved in this book...
•Luc was so cute ❤️
•No real big other woman drama... there was Abby but honestly she played a fairly minor role and Theo was NOT interested at all.
•Loved the sub characters... ~Zadie, I can not wait to read about her and Amir...
~Lock, i really hope he gets a book because he was cool but we didn't get too much from him only that he is fiercely loyal and so sweet.
~I was never a fan on Elena, of course she was the Queen B in high school and caused issues, we saw a slightly different side of her in Pen's book but honestly I still wasn't a fan but in this book she really redeemed herself alot in my eyes, she was there for Helen in some of her darkest moments in a way that Helen could relate too and tolerate, having said that I'd be happy to read a book about Elena as well... hoping it's not her and Lock though but I'll read it either way.
All in all this book was deep and heartfelt and dealt with real and serious issues and my heart felt the stress of Helens situation and life and I'm so glad she got a happy ending... and that epilogue