A review by megansendlessreads
Compulsive by Sommer Stein, Lia Fairchild



The thing about this book is that is it no light-hearted romance. No, Compulsive focuses on the nitty gritty reality that twists you up and then spits you out by the end of the book. While reading this book I kept on thinking that I knew what was going to happen next only to be completely surprised within the next few pages. Sometimes frustrating, yes, but also amazing to not know what the character's next actions will be. I love books where I am continually surprised by the next moment within the story. It makes them more interesting and it holds my attention better than the average book.

There were a few things that struck me as odd in this book that I would hope are resolved in the second book. First off, Becca's husband is a really menacing figure in the book, yet he doesn't seem to ever come up again after a certain point. (by the way, Becca is Gray's aunt). I felt like his character wasn't fully utilized within Compulsive. It was almost a cliffhanger after all this tension and fear was built up about him. Also, Nathan's foster brother threw me off a little. He's another character that seemed pretty dangerous, but again nothing ever happened. I really hope these cliffhangers are resolved in the second book of the Lair Series.

Gray was a tough character to read about. Being a compulsive liar really messed up her life in a lot of ways because the people she loved didn't always trust her. She knew it was wrong of her, but it didn't change the fact that it was a defense mechanism that she always defaulted to. One thing I was a little unsure about was her "visions". She was seeing things and I don't really think this became important enough. I mean she's seeing a shrink and tells him that she sometimes sees things that aren't real and nothing is done about it? It felt a little off to me. Otherwise, I really loved Gray. She did so much to protect the people she loved that it was pretty easy to ignore some of the inconsistencies of her character.

Daniel. I really ended up liking Daniel. At first, I could see exactly how his and Gray's relationship would evolve, but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't something rushed into by Daniel. He really did try to stick to the code of a patient-doctor relationship. It was interesting to see some of his personality really come out when he spent time with Gray. I loved how she would frustrate him on purpose to get a reaction out of him. Their relationship might have been "forbidden", so to speak, but they really did make a good couple.

Overall, this book was really good. The characters were great and I loved how the author slowly revealed Gray's past throughout the book. It really built up the suspense and made the story that much more enjoyable. I can't wait to read the second book to the series to see if some of the inconsistencies get explained.