A review by maureensbooks89
The Healing Season by Catherine Evans


‘The Healing Season’ is already the third book in the A Dollar For A Dream series. I first read ‘A Heart Stuck On Hope’, and ‘Honey Hill House’ a view weeks ago. Since I loved these first two books, and I love feel-good stories about country life, ‘The Healing Season’ sounded like a great read. I decided to add this one to my TBR as soon as possible. Not only is the series fun to read, the stories also aren’t very long, so they’re perfect to read when you don’t have a lot of time.

In ‘The Healing Season’ we meet Alysia and Lachlan. Alysia has lost her best friend and fiancé a little while ago. Everything she ever dreamed about is now impossible. Alysia hides in her work at the store in Dulili. Lachlan has had a rough life and now tries to start over in the little town of Dulili. Soon Alysia and Lachlan become close and slowly on they begin to learn more of each other’s secrets.
This book was definitely a little different than the first two in the series. ‘The Healing Season’ isn’t so much about the romance between Alysia and Lachlan, but more about the way they find strength and comfort in each other company. This was a very sweet and kind story about finding yourself when everything suddenly changes.

I didn’t really fell in love with Lachlan’s character as much as I hoped. I did enjoy reading his point of view. And I loved how strong he was when he asked Alysia for help with his problem. And I loved reading about how hard he worked for a ‘new’ life. It was definitely impressive and fun to read. But he also had this thing about him that made me not quite sure what to think of him.
Alysia’s character on the other hand was one I really liked. Although she didn’t think so herself, I found her really strong and brave. She lost her best friend but still managed to make a success out of the new store. And Alysia was always kind, to everyone.

I just love the A Dollar For A Dream series. This series definitely provides for some amazing getaways from the real world. And although ‘The Healing Season’ wasn’t as romantic as the first two books, I really enjoyed the read. The writing was good, the characters were interesting and the little town of Dulili was perfect once again.