A review by bmg20
Quinn by Iris Johansen


‘Quinn’ is tagged as the 2nd of a final trilogy; however, Iris Johansen’s ‘Eve Duncan’ series is the series this trilogy is based off of. If you want to be able to truly understand and appreciate this trilogy, I would highly recommend reading the Eve Duncan series first.

Iris Johansen’s ’Eve Duncan’ series has become a personal favorite of mine over the last decade. Personally fascinated by crime novels with interesting forensic tidbits at an early age, stumbling upon this series was quite a discovery for me. Eve is a strong and independent woman and is also a trained forensic sculptor who performs skull recreations to put a face to lost children to help bring their families peace. This is all in hope that one day she’ll find her daughter Bonnie who was kidnapped when she was 7 years old. ‘Quinn’ delves into the past when Eve and Quinn first met and he was first assigned to help find her daughter. It was very interesting to see the change in Eve and how she became a forensic sculptor; not simply out of the desire to find her own daughter, but out of the realization that she could do something to help the grieving families who hurt much like she does from the loss of her own child.

The story opens where ’Eve’ left off, with Joe Quinn in the ICU after being stabbed by Paul Black. In the hospital, Eve sees the ghost of her daughter Bonnie staring down at Quinn and thinks that he’s dying and she has come to take him to the afterlife. Catherine Ling has gone to track down John Gallo to get him to talk after Paul Black claimed John Gallo killed Bonnie. Only problem is John Gallo doesn’t remember him doing that; but doesn’t rule it out as a possibility considering his mental issues after being a POW in Korea.

The Good
My favorite bit was learning more about Eve and Joe’s past and when they first met each other. Knowing from reading the Eve Duncan series, Eve and Joe have a fierce love for each other and I loved being able to see how it all began.

The Bad
Okay, so after reading 13 books about Eve Duncan I think I’m a bit biased regarding my never-ending love for this series. With that said the one bad thing I do have to say this book resolved zero questions. Sure all sorts of new questions got raised, but was anything solved? Hmm… no not really. Which is really irritating. Sure us readers only have to wait 3 months before ’Bonnie’ comes out, but I still would’ve appreciated SOME answers.

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