A review by rosielovesreading
Hooking Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds


One of my go-to authors since I started reading indie romance has been Aurora Rose Reynolds. Her Until series is still one of the series I go back to when I’m in a reading slump because the storylines are hot, fun and have enough drama to keep me engaged. But the thing I love most about Aurora's books are how easy they are to read. Sometimes, you need to escape from heavy and dark books, even if they are romances too, and her books are the perfect antidote.

The third book in this series is about Anna, the woman who start working in Chrissie’s bakery in book two. Having left her high society life, rich fiancée and fancy job in Chicago for the quiet country town, to try and find happiness. She lives above Edie, a crazy elderly lady who becomes one of her closest friends. When Anna, Edie and two of her friends are pulled over by a cop, who is handsome, fit but so rude. He insults Anna to her face, so a few days later, goes into the bakery to apologise. Despite the chemistry between them, anna is standoffish and pushes him away, and this occurs the next few times they meet. When another incident brings them together once again, with Anna the hero, Calvin asks her out and she hesitantly accepts. They both slowly open up about their past relationships and hurt, bring each other out of their comfort zones to try new things. When Anna’s past comes back to haunt her, they form a tight team and work together to ensure that they will have a future together, with zero miscommunication and a whole lot of love and support.

Calvin was a bit different to the other two heroes in this series, as he initially wanted to keep Anna at arm’s length, but the attraction was too great and, in the end, he couldn’t help but chase her. He has other things to deal with too than his new relationship and I actually liked how the storyline of this book didn’t revolve solely round the romance, there was a bit more suspense and mystery on the side. Anna was reluctant to jump into another relationship so quickly, she wanted to find her own peace before starting anything with someone else. But she managed to find that with Calvin, finding closure with her old life and opening her heart to something new, and in the end, that’s where she found her happiness.

Very similar to the Until series, so if you’ve read that you know what a treat you are in for. I really would recommend to anyone who loves a good romantic easy read!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.*