A review by dukesangel002
Far from You by Lisa Schroeder


I absolutely adore Lisa Schroeder's writing. I never thought I would be one to enjoy verse novels, but each one of hers has sucked me in and keep me captivated from beginning to end.
This is a beautiful tale of a girl who has lost her mother. Her father has remarried and there is a newborn sister, well half-sister, and as Alice said, "since when does a half equal a whole?".
As Alice struggles to deal with being on the outside looking in of her family, she is caught in a terrible snowstorm, and stranded in a car. Hungry and scared, she has to come to terms with helping her stepmother and herself stay alive, as well as keep her newborn sister alive.
Hope is hard to come by, in the best of circumstances, how can they have hope to survive this?