A review by vassooo
Elric of Melniboné by Michael Moorcock

Did not finish book.

DNF at 15%.

Usually I don't read books without a lot of romance or sex or both until I do. So I warn you that this review points some of my fanfiction tendencies.

For that problem I thought I found the perfect solution but it didn't work. While reading the story I it bored me and to cure that I started imagining a story with Elric where we were doing 18rated things whenever wherever, cocooned by his white hair. It wasn't enough.

Then I tried imagining Elric or me giving a good spanking to Yyrkoon so all this angst and drama could be avoided and turn to enemies to lovers trope. That worked for a little bit.

Other than my fantasies I appreciated the twist against consumerism culture where you utilize your prisoners as food but at last I realised even if is good is not my thing. Writing was not my style. I don't know how to describe it exactly. The usual-poetic-epic-fantasy style. It tires me and disconnects me a little from the characters, but I guess most fantasy readers will like it. For example,

"Their clothes had been torn from them, but their bodies were clothed in blood from tiny wounds, precise but severe, made by the artist who stood, scalpel in hand, surveying his handiwork. The artist was tail and very thin, almost like a skeleton in his stained, white garments. "

The artist is the torturer turned poetic by the butcher work if you are wondering.

Famous last words before I dnf where a dying captain dies with a cup of tea in his hands.

"One knee bent, one leg stretched behind him, Elric began to withdraw the long sword, looking up into the barbarian’s face which had now assumed an expression of reconciliation. ‘That was unfair, Whiteface. We had barely begun to talk and you cut the conversation short. You are most skillful. May you writhe forever in the Higher Hell. Farewell.’"