A review by cherie_amor
Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco


Won as part of the 2013 Holiday Party in the Erotic Enchants Group

3.5 Stars

After an Ancient Power wipes out an entire civilization along with the woman he loves; Salicyar, God of Fertility, in his anguish demands that The Fates bring his love back. They agree but there is a price. He must provide a sacrifice. The soul of an innocent woman. If he fails to comply, The Fates will destroy the universe.....Fucked up, ain't it!? Yeah I thought so. Of course, the situation HAS to get more difficult. You pretty much guess what he ends up doing, falling in love with the intended sacrifice, Ismini.

I am a huge fan of mythology and ancient legends. If an author can mix those with a nice dose of eroticism and suspense, BOOM! I'm there! Blanco does a beautiful job of world building, very imaginative. The characters were all strong and spirited individuals. I don't think there was one that I didnt like. Although some did have some serious stupid moments that had me wanting to either shake em or stand at the Bay Bridge and do a lovely nose dive off it myself *Looking at y'all Ismini and Eve* There didn't seem to be a lot of difference between the humans and the gods except the gods had immortality and powers. They all struggled with their duties, obligations and their inner nature. It was refreshing to see that the gods had dilemmas with fate and destiny.

The minute I opened the book up to the glossary of terms and names, I was worried and apprehensive. There were A LOT!! And they looked difficult to pronounce. I thought I was going to spend thec entire book flipping back and forth for references. It wasn't too bad though, although I did get confused with a couple of the names. There were a couple of plot holes and left me with questions that'll hopefully be answered in the next book.