A review by edshara
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead


I don't know how to explain it but I think this is one of those great little books, that just reads differently for everyone. This book could easily be a DNF or one of your favorites. I think it just depends on how you go into it.

In the beginning, I was a little confused. The story is told from the future POV of the main character but in a present tense (hope that makes sense). In books like this, I usually find myself trying to remember too much and putting stock in things that, in the end, don't matter. Which leads to my being confused, but once I settle down and just let the story unfold, I find it more enjoyable (as I did with this book).

This story at its core, is about family, friendships, standing up for others and just basic human decency with some time travel thrown in. My favorite part had to be the high level of communication that these characters had. Their were moments of miscommunication, however, it was refreshing to read as these characters asked questions, were able to give and receive thoughtful and understandable answers, express their thoughts and feelings, apologize and be content as things changed.

I am also going to have to read A Wrinkle in Time, now, though I've been avoiding it (I know its a classic and I didn't want to read it and possibly be disappointed). I will have to give it a try but maybe after I've forgotten some of the parts that Rebecca Stead revealed in her book. All in all, this was an enjoyable book and I like how it all came to a clever, clear, and understandable end.