A review by bookalong
The Hunter and the Old Woman by Pamela Korgemagi


"He sensed their presence, the sound of thousands of living bodies, the sound of their many breaths seeping into his daily thoughts, his dreams at night. So that when he was confronted with strangers, he felt alarmed, as if coming across unknown creatures, other predatory animals. He was no longer used to encountering other men. They have become strange to him. A plane droned by overhead. He looked up at the mechanical body propelling hundreds of men through this guy. He consider this a fantastic feat though the world was populated by such machines now. That was the natural world. He himself had devoted his life to maintaining these machines, a convert to the mechanical life."~pg.387

A hypnotically savage debut!

A cougar roams the forest, the old woman as the towns people call her. She spends years raising her cubs, meeting other cougars and finding solitude and ferocity in the woods. In town lives Joseph a boy who had a tough start to life. Losing his mother at birth then immediately going to live with his aunt for a few years then back with his single father, early on he becomes obsessed with the old woman, fuelled by rage and a need to kill her. We see these two characters parallel each others lives throughout this novel.

Korgemagi really impressed me with the old woman's character. She was so well rounded and I preferred her to her human counterpart Joseph. Honestly I could have had almost the entire novel be about her, she facinated me so much! Narrated in third person this novel's premis has a nostalgic feel with a fresh take as the lines between animals and humans becomes blurred. Korgemagi's writing kept me equal parts gripped and compelled as she showed the progress of time in these two characters intertwined lives. And a unique look inside the natural world and the appeal of its beauty and simplicity.

And thank you @houseofanansi for sending me this book.

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