A review by kdekoster
The Cheshire Cheese Cat: A Dickens of a Tale by Carmen Agra Deedy, Randall Wright


Skilley is a cat. Pip is a mouse. Both have a great big secret.

This is a story of secrets revealed, unlikely friendships, and some really delicious cheese - with cameos by Charles Dickens.

Look at this cover. Does that make you want to read this book? No? Me neither. I had put off reading it for weeks, until the BOB was only a few days away and I knew I just couldn't procrastinate any longer.

Well guess what... The Cheshire Cheese Cat is actually pretty darn charming!

I'm always curious about books written by two authors: Did either take responsibility for a certain character? Who came up with the title? Who first said, "Let's write a book together!"? After reading, it's clear that Carmen Agra Deedy and Randall Wright were a well-matched team. The voice is strong and consistent throughout. This PW interview gives some insight into their teamwork.

I don't particularly like animals, so I don't particularly care for animals as the main characters in my books either, but Skilley and Pip were almost like furry people. Pip is the more quick-witted of the two, always ready with a giant vocabulary word and an eager teacher. Skilley is accustomed to the life of an alley cat, so a warm cozy home at The Cheshire Cheese seems pretty much like heaven to him - especially with all of the yummy snacks he gets from the mice each night.

Charles Dickens was a fun addition to the plot, and he was even the first to discover Skilley's secret. "Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese" was actually one of his favorite haunts in London, and I loved imagining him there in the pub, writing away with a little cheese plate at his elbow.

Cheshire Cheese is going up against Chime in the Battle of the Kids' Books tomorrow. I didn't care for Chime at all, which is why you won't find a review for it here, but I have a feeling that Briony will win out over Skilley and Pip tomorrow.

The Cheshire Cheese Cat is a fun "historical fantasy" for upper elementary students and beyond. Animal lovers or fans of Charles Dickens should absolutely give this one a shot.

Quotable Quotes:
"You want the truth, Master Skilley? Then find out just what manner of cat you really are... and brazenly, unabashedly, boldly, be that cat."