A review by readingwithdaniella
Hotel Ruby by Suzanne Young



"Stay tonight. Stay forever."

Wow, I loved this! It was so good! I've been wanting to read this for such a long time now, but it was totally worth the wait! It was so romantic, and sad, and funny, and down right creepy.

Originally, the synopsis made me think of The Lotus Hotel from Percy Jackson, which I have always loved and been very fascinated with. But it ended up being rather different than I expected, but in a good way! I really, really, really enjoyed this book!

The characters were fantastic, especially Elias, who I absolutely adored. He was very sweet, handsome, and swoon-worthy.
Our protagonist Audrey was a great character too. It was good to see her trying to heal and move on from the grief of losing her mother.
The romance was a little bit of an insta-love, but I think it was done very well. I think the love at first sight kind of thing can be cute and romantic when done right, and this was one was. I really enjoyed reading about them being together.
I also really liked Lourdes and Audrey's brother Daniel. I thought that he and Audrey had such a great relationship, and it was amazing to see how much they cared for each other.

The plot, oh gosh, it was just amazing! I loved it! It was insanely mysterious and suspenseful, and at times it had me terrified! Especially towards the end of the book! I was seriously not expecting a lot of that stuff. But my goodness, was it ever good!
I also really liked the mystery aspect of the story line and enjoyed trying to piece together and figure out everything that was happening.

This book had me laughing, and then crying, and then gushing over the amazing characters, and then frantically turning the pages in fear. I love when a book does that.
And of course the setting of the book was interesting and fun. The hotel sounded absolutely gorgeous and I would love to stay there if it was a normal hotel, that is. And if it, you know, actually existed.

I loved the ending, it was the perfect way to end the story!
In conclusion I definitely recommend this book! It has just the right mix of everything and makes for a very enjoyable read. So what are you waiting for? Go get yourself a copy and read away!