A review by ebonyutley
The Bone Readers by Jacob Ross


The Bone Readers is about violence against women. I had know idea that would be the crux of the book by the title and description. Neither of which do the book any justice. That said, the book is very much about justice and that’s a feel good situation considering the dark subject matter. I love a thriller that throws me for a loop which the book does. I didn’t see all of the end coming. The language is fun as is the Caribbean context. I love a book that makes me Google—vocabulary, culture, history.

And the main character is an incredibly likable asshole. He’s got a smart mouth and a chip on his shoulder and will cut off his nose to spite his face, and I love every good and every bad decision that he makes. Ross does a great job of fleshing him out so that we want to know what he’s going to do next. Actually, all of the characters are complete and frustrating in their blanks. You’ll know what that means when you read it. No one speaks plain, but that’s a reflection of Caribbean culture. The whole book is in its plot, its geographic descriptions, its dialog, and its characters. I wanted to read a well-written non-struggle story thriller that takes place in the Caribbean and The Bone Reader did not disappoint.