A review by nicspears
Savage Mafia Prince by Annika Martin


*ARC received in exchange of an honest review*

This book and author was completely new to me, but after finishing Savage Mafia Prince it certainly won't be my last.

Annika has delivered a compelling and unique story that had me captivated from the very beginning. I was lost to the 'savage adonis' that was Kiro and the caring nature of 'Nurse Ann' as they fought for freedom, answers and unknown dangerous threats.

Although this can be read as a standalone I would suggest maybe reading the first two books in the series beforehand to truly understand all the nuances of the Dragusha brothers. I didn't do this and even though I had no problems following it, I wish I had read the first two. I am going to go back and read the first two books in the series.

Overall it was brilliantly told story full about finding yourself, survival and pure animalistic love.

It is a book that I would definitely recommend and very much worth the 4* I am giving it.