A review by becsbookshelf
Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta


Josephine Alibrandi is 17, goes to a pristine private school on an English scholarship and it struggling with the pressures that life keeps throwing at her. She’s never met her father and her mother had her out of wedlock at 16 and disgraced her Italian family. Josie’s Nonna it constantly concerned with what others think of her and her family.

Josie gets fed up with trying to live up to everyone’s expectations of her and starts uncovering family secrets. Her father enters her life having not known she’d existed and life changes again. She falls in love with an non-Italian rebelling against her families desire to marry a good Italian boy.

The pressure of the HSC and getting the grades to become a barrister takes its toll on her and the people around her. Her food friend commits suicide the day before their first exam and Josie is heartbroken then decides to live her life for John and be happy!

I honestly cannot believe I haven’t pick this up sooner. In my opinion one of the greatest Australian movies that discusses though Australian multiculturalism, teenage pressures, mental health, suicide and racism.