A review by emslovestoread
Nightspell by Leah Cypess


Welcome to my stop on the Nightspell paperback release blog tour!

From Goodreads: Here be ghosts, the maps said, and that was all.
In this haunted kingdom, ghosts linger--not just in the deepest forests or the darkest caverns, but alongside the living, as part of a twisted palace court that revels all night and sleeps through the daylight hours.
Darri's sister was trapped in this place of fear and shadows as a child. And now Darri has a chance to save her sister . . . if she agrees to a betrothal with the prince of the dead. But nothing is simple in this eerie kingdom--not her sister, who has changed beyond recognition; not her plan, which will be thrown off track almost at once; and not the undead prince, who seems more alive than anyone else.
In a court seething with the desire for vengeance, Darri holds the key to the balance between life and death. Can her warrior heart withstand the most wrenching choice of all?
First of all, HUGE THANKS to Leah Cypess for sending me a copy of Nightspell as part of the blog tour celebrating the paperback release. I'm excited to spread the word about this awesome book.
Because it really IS awesome. It's a ghost story like you've NEVER read before. There are things about the ghosts that will throw you. I knew it was a ghost story going in and I DIDN'T SUSPECT A THING.
I LOVED this twist on ghosts. That's really all I can say about them without ruining some of the fun, so just take my word for it that you'll want to read this one.
As far as characters, Darri was awesome. She's one of those really strong girls who can kick bottom and take names and then go to a dance afterwards. She has a lot to deal with: her sister being in Ghostland, her brother being a major douchebag, and a betrothal to an undead prince. She definitely holds her own.
I also really liked Callie. Poor girl. Sent off at age 11 to marry the prince of Ghostland. She is definitely affected by her time there and it affects her relationships with her siblings. I was very interested to see how she'd come to terms with Darri and Varis. It hurt my heart at times to see how she suffered, but I really like how things were resolved.
This story kept me engaged the entire time. I didn't want to put it down. It was a fantastic companion to Mistwood (though not a sequel...WOO! A stand-alone!) and one that I'll read again for sure. Go ahead and pick it up! It's a 'Pick Me' worthy book.