A review by tc4mpbell
Matter by Iain M. Banks


Liked it. Like the last Banks Culture novel I read, was blown away by the awesome universe-building, the cool species and galaxy-spanning ideas. Love that. This one was great too, staying focused of the character's humanity as they travel from their tiny backwards world into the vast universe Banks has created.

I thought the ending was too abrupt to be great, though. I wanted a big, BIG problem to be solved, and while the danger that threatens the world was big, the final pages of the story seemed kind of rushed, and it seemed like Oramen and Loesp just got kicked abruptly out of the way when they had nothing left to offer the story. And I liked Oramen. :(

And it was kind of weird that the last chapter (which I was very glad he added) came after all the appendices and glossaries. I wonder how many people just missed it? Thanks for adding it, though, Iain, when I first turned the page and saw the glossary, I was thumbing through feeling very melancholy at the abrupt ending, until I found there was another chapter.