A review by unladylike
Deadpool by Alyssa Wong, Vol. 1 by Neeraj Menon, Alyssa Wong, Martin Coccolo


Sadly, the only interesting/cool thing in this book was that throughout it, Deadpool has the hots for, and then is dating, a nonbinary person, and no one ever feels the need to make any kind of big deal about that aspect of the character. It's just a fact. Otherwise, every page was the typical stuff that reminds me that Deadpool comics are not usually my jam, and that's fine. I read it very slowly while on lunch breaks at work, often while also playing Marvel's Snap! card game on my phone, knowing it would be super low-brow and require very little brain power, which is a good balance to what I'm reading most of the time. Still, I would have liked it to be more interesting.