A review by meemzala
New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future by James Bridle


Took another break, and I’m glad I did. Had a long conversation w Ariel about my irritation with the author for mixing his opinion in with fact so inextricably as to make me mistrust any statement that wasn’t cited. A little later in the book, Bridle discusses that Kenyan survivors of British torture weren’t believed until royal documents were leaked that detailed the torture. The Kenyans were telling the truth in relating their own experiences, but neither the general public nor the ruling powers did anything about it until they heard about it from the colonizers themselves. My unwillingness to believe anything I was reading unless it was either cited or stated as absolute fact was reflected by the case studies in the text. I’m releasing my death grip on needing to know “exactly what genre this book is” and letting myself sink deeper into it.