A review by georgesreads
Stargazers by L.P. Hernandez


Stargazers by LP Hernandez was by my estimate simply ok. I’ve certainly read worse but this definitely left me wanting a little bit more. The story just didn’t flow properly and I was left with a multitude of questions at the end. Not fun cliff-hanger questions, just confusion.
Stargazers is the first instalment in Sadie Hartmann’s “My Dark Library,” series. It is a story in which everyday people begin to stare dumb-founded into the sky for hours at a time. No obvious connection between them, no sense of the weather or temperature. They just stare. Meanwhile, American and Chinese naval ships begin to sink, in what appears to be the most obvious and large-scale form of sabotage since pearl harbour. Amidst the national sense of fear and chaos, is one family. The central plot is interwoven with Reddit posts. I enjoyed these as they provided an alternate perspective on the situation and did so in a way I imagine to be accurate.
This had promise. Weird aliens with massive mouths and saucers for eyes try and take over the planet? Yes please. For me though the execution just let it down a little. I would’ve liked at least a tiny little bit of closure about why the aliens invaded? If you enjoyed Wanderers by Chuck Wendig you may enjoy this, but in my opinion this is just an underwhelming shortened version.
Please remember all views here are my own. I appear to be the minority, don’t let me discourage you from picking this up and giving it a go… it’s only short.