A review by stefhyena
Crow and the Waterhole by Ambelin Kwaymullina


The story is long, but well paced and meaningful. It is about a creature- the crow - who has a desire to find meaning and greatness within herself but thinks all admirable qualities can only be found in the mysterious "other" (who turns out to be the crows own reflection).

Yes so it's a feel-good story about finding greatness withing yourself, but what I like is that Crow's method of finding greatness involves helping, mentoring and protecting others. Care for others brings her out of herself performing various sorts of heroic deeds so that the greatness she find ends up being real greatness- not just the sort of narcissistic self love I was worried it was going to be at first.

Children like that it is about animals, that it has a lot happening and the story moves fast and they just love the very brightly coloured pictures and the way the whole page is a bright work of art. This book is lovely to experience.