A review by itsallaboutthebooksuk
Four Christmases and a Secret by Zara Stoneley


First of all I have to say I absolutely love the cover for Four Christmases, it’s very cute and christmasy and makes me feel all festive but I’ll admit I did have reservations about reading this book, it was September when I picked it up and I don’t start thinking about Christmas until I really, really have to, bah humbug, but I was pleasantly surprised that despite its title it isn’t overly christmasy but it did give me a little bit of excitement for Christmas.

Daisy and Ollie grew up together, they were always in competition with each other and now Ollie’s a successful surgeon and seems to be quite lucky in love where as Daisy flunked her A levels, has no boyfriend and stays in her friends box room where there isn’t enough room to swing a cat and having to attend Uncle T’s Christmas party year after year wearing a silly Christmas jumper and listening to her mum and Ollie’s mum Vera who are best friends talking about how brilliant he is, just isn’t Daisy’s idea of fun at all.

Daisy hasn’t seen the very clever geeky Oliver Cartwright for thirteen years and really doesn’t understand the fuss, that is until he turns up at Uncle T’s party all buff and swoon worthy.

Daisy is a wonderful character, she’s kind, caring and has a real passion for books. She’s someone you’d love to have as a friend and I was absolutely rooting for her all the way through the book. She’s clever and funny and I loved how much she loved Stanley the dog who I absolutely adored as well. He’s a real character, mischief maker and I just wanted to give him a great big cuddle.

All the characters really seem to come to life, most of them adorable, funny and full of life but there are a couple that got my heckles up and because Daisy’s so likeable I felt quite protective and frustrated that I couldn’t tell her to watch out.

I totally adored Four Christmases and a Secret, it’s such a feel good book but it’s also got a touch of mystery, it’s sad in parts but it’s also very funny too. It’s also very easy to picture everything in your head as you read, the bookshop especially where Uncle T turns it into a magical wonderland for his parties. I could easily have jumped straight into the story and lived in that shop.

From beginning to end I was totally hooked and was left feeling all warm and fuzzy. Even though this is a Christmas themed book it could easily be read any time of year and I will definitely be recommending it.