A review by foolishcatalyst
The Silver Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon


What a disappointment. It's never a good sign when a series switches focus to the protagonist's children - the only book that's pulled it off that I can think of this I can think of is Abhorsen, honestly. But still, even though I was struggling to connect with Tad and Blade, when this book started to show signs of being another weird out-of-genre experience I was on board. Sign me up for survival horror fantasy!

But ultimately I just didn't care enough about either character to worry about their survival. Both Tad and Blade were just too perfect in every way. And I genuinely hated Amberdrake here. He's so overbearing and overprotective, and acts like he's completely justified. Zhaneel and Winterhart are sidelined AGAIN as Drake and Skan swoop in to save the day in the end - booooring. And while I agreed with her at times, Blade's constant whinging about her parents got really grating really quickly.

I'm beyond disappointed, especially after how much I loved The White Gryphon. The Silver Gryphon had massive potential squandered on a generally uninteresting and unlikeable cast.