A review by ashleighmacro
Boys Don't Cry by Malorie Blackman


Boys Don’t Cry is the first book I’ve read by Malorie Blackman, and I loved it, so much so that I read it in two days (and it wasn’t even the weekend).

The story follows the emotional journey of a young aspiring journalist who gets left with a baby he didn’t realise he had, right before he’s about to head off to university. During the novel I felt frustration, pain, heartbreak, love, relief, and many other emotions. It brought me to tears, both from sadness and joy.

It’s hard-hitting, and stunningly written. Every word is believable. I loved that, although Dante’s story dominated the novel, the reader is treated to snippets of Adam’s thoughts dotted throughout the story too.

I don’t think the cover does Boys Don’t Cry much justice, though. This is definitely a case of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’.

Originally published on my blog, Ashleigh Online.