A review by toshi21
Cold Pressed by Allison Temple


In this second novel set in the Seacroft world, we are brought into the story of Nick and Oliver. Oliver being Seb’s brother from book 1.
Nick is a grumpy dispatcher for the local fire department and Oliver is attempting to open a juice bar.
Both men are frustrated by various aspects of their lives. Their first meeting is a disaster but they persevere and discover that the like being with each with no strings.
As with all secretive relationships, stuff happens and everything is blow out of proportion. But with clear communication, both men are able to work through it and find semblance of hope.

Allison Temple creates very real characters and you need to see what happens and hope all the best for them. She has an evocative way of writing and that keeps you turning the page. The road to a perfect home in this story definitely has bumps and it adds flavour to the story.
I can’t wait to see what happens in book 3