A review by ebc726
Finding Dorothy by Elizabeth Letts


Much like the rest of the world, the Wizard of Oz has a special place in my heart, so I went into this book super excited. That being said, reading it reminded me why I have such a love-hate relationship with novels portraying real people and their thoughts, feelings, etc - especially those in the more recent past. For me, those kinds of novels always walk the line of feeling a bit like you’re reading fan fiction about real people. This one definitely fell into that category at several points. For this one in particular, since I’ve always been such a Wizard of Oz/old Hollywood nerd, I found myself desperately wishing the book had footnotes in it to clarify what was fact and what was a creative liberty. (Thank goodness the author’s note at the end cleared some things up.) I’m pretty sure there were some big liberties taken with the sections about the filming. Overall, it was enjoyable, and I’d classify it as a YA book since the writing and language and character development felt much simpler than I’d expect out of an adult novel.