A review by lovegirl30
Flight by Sherman Alexie


I found myself not really caring for this Alexie novel. Flight has a fantastic narrative voice and addresses some many themes. Those are trauma, forgiveness, revenge, and violence. This isn't abnormal for Sherman Alexie, it just wasn't as good as I expected. Sherman Alexie uses his humor and writing skill to hilariously explore complex themes.

This book has some major issues. It actually is sort of rife with them. They really turned me off of this book. I am tired of Alexie's constant need to make every Native American have a drinking problem. It is very stereotypical. As someone who lives around a bunch of tribes and has Native friends, so that isn't a problem with every single person. He is so defensive about this he makes it a truth rather than a horrible stereotype.

Another issue is every single girl is only mentioned or discussed in her sexual appeal. I understand that the narrator is a fifteen-year-old boy but it got old for me. I just don't like the view that women are sex objects that are one dimensional, while men have all the fun in these novels.

The ending of this book was so cheesy and too neat. I found it too has been wrapped in too neat of a bow. Our main character finally trusted again after finding an adopted home with a white cop. I disliked that a huge amount of this book is a mixed kid trying to figure out how to be Native, but the ending doesn't match that with him basically hating on his identity.

Don't even get me started on the 9-11 paranoia.

In summary, I am not a huge fan of this book, but I am a huge fan of Alexie. I disliked this one but I do believe it is worth reading though. I just think this book took on too many political and emotional themes.