A review by kara_hildebrand
Entice by Rachel Van Dyken


I love Rachel Van Dyken. She's an amazing writer. Ruin is one of my favorite reads from 2013 and Wes is in my top 10 Book Boyfriends ever. So, it's hard for me to explain why I haven't read the Eagle Elite series before now? The only answer I can think of is: I'm stupid! This is the third in the series and it's my favorite. I absolutely loved this book. The writing is outstanding. I've been #TeamChase since I read Elite. I know, I know. I love Nixon, I do, but there's just something about Chase that drew me in. His sexiness, his witty personality, his hero complex, his enormous heart. And, he's not afraid of who he is. And, I have to admit, the guns and fighting to protect what he loves? HOT! He's dangerous, but only to his enemies. Chase has to marry Mil to protect her. They have a history, so there is already sexual tension and witty banter. He's still reeling from his love for Trace, but he's trying to move on. Mil is hilarious! I love her. She's strong and independent and has a lot of power, but she's hiding a very horrible past. She needs to face it to save the lives of everyone who is trying to help her. They have a palpable connection and I couldn't put the book down. And, of course we see Nixon, Trace, Tex and Mo. We learn more about the strained relationship between Mo and Tex and there were a few times where I said outloud "I didn't see that coming!" This book has all of my favorite things: different POV's (it has 3 - Chase, Mil and Nixon), angst, mystery, love, sex, and humor. There's also a nice dose of sadness in this book as well as action. I cried, laughed, screamed, smiled and got all tingly! I can't wait for Tex's story! Bring it on!!

I didn't know what the hell I was doing, all I knew was that she called out to me, she was my siren song, and i was lost at sea.

Married. We were married. So breast? Totally okay. Fine. Not a problem.

"Will you please get off your very nice ass, find something to cover your delectable body, and do it a speed that doesn't make me want to murder someone for breakfast?" -Nixon

Chase: Already through security, see you on the other side, man.
Me:Going though now
Chase: Okay
Me: Trace asked how we fly. As is our Family.
Chase:Uh, was she serious?
Me: extremely.
Chase: that made my day.
Me: Mine too

Chase naked.
Chase. Was. Naked.
Damn, I wanted to run my tongue along the trails the water created. My breathing picked up - and I swore under my breath as the same towel ran down his ridiculously tight abs.

Damn beautiful man. God should have at least taken pity on the female race and made him short or fat or anything but what I was starting at. I muscled god with dark skin, bright green eyes and a smile that make a girl immediately want to do anything she could to trap him into marriage.

I want you to know. I want you to freaking feel. I want you to believe me when I say I want you. I like you. I trust you. I live to protect you. And I only do what I want to do.....Pick up the broken pieces of your tragically shattered heart. let me glue them back together again so you can get that damn look off your face and let me kiss you. -Chase

"Screw the white knight...I want to be your savior." -Chase