A review by fantakureader
Shadow Witness by Budjette Tan



-No table of contents inside. Again.

1st Story: 13 stations
-Nothing stands out for me except that I was reminded again that this is a chosen one narrative. I guess the new creatures' designs are pretty great.
-Rating: 4.0/5

2nd Story: The Exorcism Linda Blasco
-Probably inspired from The Exorcist with their own twist.
-Has repeated lines/descriptions.
-Better ending than others but not by much.
-Alexandra's older brother who is a priest is present in the story.
-Rating: 3.8/5

-3rd Story: Table for three
-This is a tragic love story. Not my cup of tea. Luckily, the author rarely use this genre since this is the second story in all of 7 volumes.
-Feels like a copy of the first tragic love story in Volume 1.
-There's nothing special in this.
-Rating: 3.5/5

4th Story: The Madrid Gig
-The central character here is Alexandra's, other older bother, who is technically a thief.
-Unique among the others because he is in another country and dealt with other creatures of foreign mythology.
-That's pretty much it.
-Rating: 4.2/5

Overall, the weakest volume so far. Regrettably, not that invested to new characters that have been introduced.
Overall Rating: 3.9/5