A review by dollycas
A Story to Kill by Lynn Cahoon


Dollycas’s Thoughts

Author Cat Latimer is back in Colorado in the house she and her ex-husband used to own. Seems he never changed his will after their divorce and she is turning the house into a retreat for other writers to come to get it away from all their distractions at home to work on their books. The nearby college also has an excellent resource library and she hopes the writers will find inspiration or the details they need to bring their stories together.

She can’t believe bestselling author Tom Cook is one of her first guests. With the help of her friend Shauna, who can actually cook and her old high school boyfriend’s construction abilities this first retreat should go off without a hitch. That is until one of the authors attending the retreat meets his untimely demise. Cat thinks her plans for her new business are toast. But maybe, she will be able assist her uncle/ police chief find the killer and wrap this whole thing quickly before she is out of business.

As I have come to expect from this author she has created some very heartwarming characters and added the perfect amount of those who are much more unique. I love that Shauna has come with Cat and they are running this business together. Shauna is ultra organized and that leaves Cat time to not only write but investigate. Seth and Cat had a thing in high school but as happens they drifted apart. They are trying to take things slow, or least Cat is, but you can feel the sparks that ignite when they are even just in the same room together. Uncle Pete knows that Cat is not going to leave the investigating to him so he listens to all her ideas and her reports of what she has picked up while she is out and about. These are very detailed characters and so well crafted for just the first book in the series.

As for the mystery, I thought I knew the killer but had no idea why, there was no motive that I could see. When Cat kept digging and pushing things started to fall into place and one subplot wrapped up in a way I had hoped it would. There were plenty of twists and turns and deflection. A HUGE secret plays a major part to solving this mystery. The story kept my eyes almost literally glued to the pages. I needed my questions answered just like Cat.

In true Lynn Cahoon style while the main mystery concluded, she pulls us in at the end with a cliffhanger. Fatality by Firelight come out February 28, 2017. Thankfully we don’t have to wait a whole year