A review by veecaswell
Abandoned Palaces: Great Houses, Mansions, Estates and Hotels Suspended in Time by Michael Kerrigan


Abandoned Palaces tells the stories behind dilapidated structures from all around the world. From ancient Roman villas to the French colonial hill station in Cambodia that was one of the final refuges of the Khmer Rouge.

Captivated incredibly through these many photos, it’s hard to believe some of these were left to rack and ruin over hundreds of years. From the incredible tilework of Sammezzano Castle to the incredible beauty of Castle Saunderson, this book captures incredible buildings that have been left to the elements - haunting and brilliant at the same time.

Throughout the book we are given brief insights into these buildings and their history, giving you space to wonder and research these buildings - I certainly have and it makes me want to go and rescue as many as possible, it makes me glad in some ways we have The National Trust that ensures that stately homes in the UK are rescued and preserved.

From the stunning Bozkow Palace to the Presidential Palace in Gbadolite, CAR, this book covers every corner of the world and it’s spots of wonder that are left to the wilds, and it makes for a interesting and thought provoking read from beginning to end. (My only wish is there was a page of further reading!). 

(I received an ARC from Betgalley for honest review).