A review by myfictionalworld
Dry Foot by Jarred Luján


Dry Foot by Jarred Lujan takes place in Miami set in the 80's. Four teenagers are living

Dry Foot by Jarred Lujan is set in 1980's Miami, the most dangerous decade to live in. This novel follows four desperate teens who want to escape the drugs, gangs and the violence that follow people around the city. These friends design a heist to steal loads of money from a very dangerous gang known as Los Marielitos.

I'm going to rate Dry Foot by Jarred Lujan, 3 stars. I loved the diversity of characters in this novel; it was infused with hispanic culture as well as other ethnicities. What I also love about Dry Foot is that it includes the value of friendship, family and how much each friend was willing to sacrifice to leave Miami.

I will be honest and say that a 3 star rating is not a normal rating for me since I usually rate graphic novels 5 stars. I rated Dry Foot lower because I felt as if this graphic novel was missing something. I wanted to know a little more about each character and their background. Even though we do receive a little bit of information of each character but I wanted more. While reading this novel, I wanted a better understanding of why this group of friends wanted to steal this money from Los Marielitos. It didn't make a lot of sense to me because if they wanted to escape the violence of Miami, they didn't believe that stealing this money, would cause them to be in that same violence. It just gave me a lot to think about and it just caused me to ask more questions than to gain some answers.