A review by litwithleigh
Lost Girls by Angela Marsons


YEP. 2 stars. Very sad face.


Two girls are kidnapped; two families pitted against each other to see which girl survives. Kim Stone must catch the sickos responsible to bring both girls home alive.


Y'all know I LOVE Miss Marsons and this series, but I was really disappointed in this one. And yes, I know the ratings for this go brazy, but here I am, on outlier island... which tbh is my home address.

Anyways. Why 2 stars?

1. This shit was TOOOO long. About 100 pages too long. There were a lot of unnecessary chapters and scenes. Like Symes getting a bj by a homeless guy. Who asked??? Even though this series tends to be on the longer side, there's usually enough juiciness to keep me hooked. Unfortunately this instalment was bone dry.

2. She really just glazed over the DV incidents regarding one of the couples. Kim knew mans was punching on his wife and went full Helen Keller in response. Out of sight out of mind I guess? And then at the end when Bryant was like "if he plays his cards right she'll prob forgive him" or some shit I was like nah. Arrest him? He literally broke the law and you know it?? The only cards he should be playing is with other inmates.

3. Kim was on her worst behaviour. Goading Brad into "pushing" her so she could arrest him, bring him to the station, and force him to work with a sketch artist was doing too much. I get that it's important he help a brutha out, but if you can't find a better way to convince him than whipping out the ole unlawful arrest maneuver then that's on you. Also her deep dislike for that negotiator guy was so ironic... You literally have the same personality. Maybe a good time for some self reflection?? No?? Ok just keep hating him then.


4. Plot holes galore. Why did Will keep Suzie for so long? How did Symes not know about it? But seriously... he had months to get some $$ from Suzie's mom and instead spent his own money keeping the girl (barely) alive. What was the point? And if Will liked to work alone so much, how did Heather get brought in and promoted to big boss lady? Did they ever say who tampered with Karen's car? Why didn't they install security cameras at the home?

5. WTFFFF was that resolution to the Dewain Wright case. You can't be serious.

All in all, I would've rated this 3 stars (generously) but it was simply too dismissive of DV. Not cool.


Pros: I still like this series

Cons: dismissive about DV, plot holes, too long, dragged in some parts, Kim was peak annoying, repetitive, ending *fart noises*