A review by erikaq
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg


(Possible spoilers below)

Here is the thing about this book: It is a contemporary romance YA and it absolutely hits every single mark in that regard. The protagonist, Rafe, is likable, well rounded, and flawed. But we root for him. We want him to get the boy and for his plan to work. And this could have been a simple rom com esque high school romance involving two boys intead of the usual het couple, but instead we get an exploration into what identity in terms of sexuality means and how that defining fact is not easily shed and shouldn't be shed. We get a book that creates a conversation about the complexities of coming out and how every single person goes through it differently.

I loved the connection between Rafe and Ben. I loved that we got to see them become friends and how the progression from friendship to attraction to kissing was handled in such an organic way. I loved how different they are to each other and that none of the secret/lying was brushed off and that it indeed had a lasting effect.

All the other characters were great too in their unique and quirky ways. I can't wait to read Honestly Ben and seeing the different perspective and the continuation of this story.

Would recomend. It's a very light and quick read and certainly enjoyable.