A review by chocoholicreader
Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Rating- 3.5 Would be awesome if not frustrating
Heat- 3 A few scenes

Darling has hidden his true self to protect his mother for years. Only his best friend, Marris knows him completely. He even hides from the people he considers family, the Sentella. Despite everyone believing he is gay, he has been secretly in love with Zarya, the leader of the Resistance, as Kere, his Sentella alter ego. Before he can reveal his true identity to her, he is captured by the Resistance as Darling and tortured. Zarya and the Resistance have hated Darling and his ruling family for decades, so they hold no punches when they have him in their clutches. The problem is that they don’t realize the man they believe to be a spoiled prince is actually the Sentella member who fought along side them. Darling is destroyed by their torture and Zarya’s betrayal. Now he has become someone to fear.

Ok, let’s address the elephant in the room first. Lots of people had issues w SK suddenly making the always gay Darling a straight male. Many felt it smacked of homophobia. Now, I’m straight myself, so I won’t speak as an LGBTQ person, but I thought this clearly was NOT the case. First, the backstory is so rich that it becomes clear that Darling was never gay. This wasn’t a change she made. It was a plot point. Second, openly gay characters like Marris and Ture are fleshed out wonderful characters. They aren’t added just for diversity.

Overall, I loved this story. What it had going for it is that it seems to be bringing the series together. Previously each book ended w a fully wrapped up story. We are finally getting to a series plot.

What drove me nuts is that SK seems to write endlessly about background while leaving out scenes I am DYING to read. I NEEDED to see the Resistance guys realize that Darling was Kere and they were screwed. I wanted to know what happened to Senna who spread such tales about him. Instead I got countless stories of how he was mistreated as a child. We get it, it sucked.