A review by libralita
Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson


Original Review: http://sevendemigodsanswerthecall.tumblr.com/post/147356816174/title-shadows-of-self-author-brandon-sanderson


I’m finally getting back to my Mistborn reread marathon now that school is out! I’m sad it took me this long. First of all if you haven’t read Bands of Mourning or Secret History then I recommend you read my original review because this reread review will have spoilers for those stories. I really enjoyed rereading this book, there was a lot of little secrets that I missed the first time and I wish it hadn’t taken me so long.


“‘Waxillium Ladrian,’ he said. ‘Lawman for hire.’
‘You’re kidding. That’s how you introduce yourself?’
‘Sure. Why not?’
She didn’t answer, instead looking away from her rifle, studying him for a few moments. Finally she said, ‘A cravat? Really?’
‘It’s kind of my thing,’ Waxillium said. ‘The gentleman bounty hunter.’
‘Why would a bounty hunter need a ‘thing’ in the first place?’
‘It’s important to have a reputation,’”—Page 18

God this Prologue shows what a dork Wax is. Just everything Wax does is so adorable yet so cringy.

“In the middle distance, beyond the humble buildings, a few giraffes browed lazily, the only sign of animal life in the vast plain.”—Page 22


“I couldn’t let it die, the book read. It’s not right. Hemalurgy is good now, I figure. Saze is both sides now, right? Ruin isn’t around anymore.”—Page 40

This is a bad idea, Spook.

“I can accept you for who you are, but I am under no illusions. Something will happen at our wedding. A villain will burst in, guns firing. Or we’ll discover explosives in the alter. Or Father Bin will inexplicably turn out to be an old enemy and attempt to murder you instead of performing the ceremony. It will happen.”—Steris, Pages 41-42

Steris, you’ve been reading too much Allomancer Jak.

“A lot could change in ten years though, and when Brettin had retired—soon after the execution of Miles Hundredlives almost a year ago—”—Page 69

Okay, so I googled it and apparently it’s MeLaan who replaced Brettin.

“Either this is a Feurchemist, or somebody figured out how to fire out of speed bubbles—which is somethin’ we’d really like to know how to do.”—Wayne, 75

I guess we’ll figure that out eventually.

“Ah, that, he thought, shaking it and hearing the pieces rattle inside. How long since this thing actually told time?”—Page 80

I bet Cadmium and Bendalloy Mistings are always too late or early because their watches are wrong. They probably waste their…time with watches. Get it?

“‘The Terris police themselves,’ another of the men said. ‘We have an arrangement.’”—Page 88

The Terris kind of remind me of Native Americans and their sanctuaries. I don’t know if that was Brandon’s intention but it’s interesting to watch.

“Nice chap. He would let Wayne bum rides in exchange for a story.”—Page 88


“He made his way up to the university gates, hands stuffed in his coat pockets. The etched letters over the top proclaimed, in High Imperial, WASING THE ALWAYS OF WANTING OF KNOWING. Deep words. He’d heard them interpreted as, ‘The eternal desire of a hungry soul is knowledge.’”—Page 89

I still can’t believe this.

“Allriandre” Is that just a combination between Allrianne and Beldre?

“You should not be defined by what you do, but by what you are.”—Page 98

Wow, granny is for segregation and for defining people by what they are rather than what they do. She’s really racist.

“She walked up to the cart owner with the high prices; the woman stood up stiffly, braids shaking, an shoved her hands into the pockets of her apron.”—Page 112


“Sophi Tarcsel. She’d been making an uproar, writing opinion pieces in the broadsheets about her father, who had supposedly been a great inventor—though Marasi had never heard or read his name before those articles”—Pages 119-120

Oh, hey, Sophi.

“We’re out of our depth, Wax thought, returning to the kitchen. We’ve crept into the realm of the gods. Harmony, Ironeyes, the Lord Mistborn.”—Page 126

Meh, it’s actually not that big of a deal.

“If you’re a Bloodmaker, you’ve got to heal a head wound right as it’s happening. Once a bloke is actually dead, no power—Allomantic or Feruchemical—is bringin’ ‘im back.”—Wayne, Page 127

Oh, how wrong you are, Wayne. People rarely stay dead in the Cosmere.

“‘Never touch the stuff myself,’ Wayne said. ‘Causes headaches. Hey, Hoid. Can I catch a ride up there with you?’
The new coachman shrugged, making room for Wayne on top of the carriage.”—Pages 130-131

What I would give to hear that conversation.

“‘Being God is more complex than a moral can comprehend?’ Wax said. ‘What a surprise.’
Harmony chuckled softly.
Wait, Wax thought. Did I just get sarcastic with God Himself?”—Page 133

At least you didn’t punch him.

“You don’t explore, Harmony continued, ignoring Wax’s confusion. Why would you? You have everything you want here. You’ve barely progressed technologically from what I gave you in the books. Yet others, who were nearly destroyed.”—Page 134

The southerners!

“Finally, he said softly. ‘You are twelve years old, and you still speak of this? I expect such foolishness from your sister, but your father should have beaten it out of you by now.’”—Page 144

So Wax’s sister wanted to be a hero.

“‘I doubt that you care,’ Steris said, leaning in, ‘but I consider your motives to be irrelevant. You save lives. You…saved my life. My gratitude is not influenced by what was running through your head as you did so.’”—Page 148

God I love Steris.

“The third entry read, 8:17. Way into the building likely blocked by traffic. Lord Waxillium carries us up to the top floor by Allomancy, which is completely inappropriate and at the same time breathtaking.”—Page 149

Can you feel the love tonight?

“You are like a lion. Most days you’re only partially present, with me. Lounging, half asleep. You do what you must, you fulfill the needs of the house, but you don’t thrive. Then the prey appears. You wake. The burst of spend, the fury and power; the pounding, pulsing, rush of the hunt. This is the real you, Waxillium Ladrian.”—Steris, Page 151

Maybe my Lion King comparison wasn’t so off.

“‘Let me handle it next time,’ Steris said, guiding them around a pedestal displaying—oddly—nothing at all. The plaque read: ATIUM, THE LOST METAL.”—Page 161

Is it 2018, yet?

“Wax followed her down three steps, passing a display shining with nuggets of tin that rattled at his passing, alongside pictures of famous Tineyes, including several sketches of the Lord Mistborn—who had been a Tineye before the Catacendre.”—Page 162

First, I wonder if Mare has a picture. Second, okay so Sazed becoming Harmony is called the “Catacendre” there is no way I’ll be able to remember that.

“Funny, that Steris would remark on someone being boring…
‘You’re thinking,’ Steris said, ‘that it is ironic that I would note that someone is a bore—as I myself have a reputation for the same personality flaw.’”—Page 162

Steris, you are not a bore, you are absolute delight. If anyone says otherwise they can go sleep with Ironeyes.

Steris preparing witty banter and one-liners to amuse Wax is so freaking adorable. God, I love her so much.

“‘Lord Waxillium Ladrian,’ a feminine voice said. ‘I’ve heard about you. You’re more handsome than the stories say.’
He raised his eyebrows toward the speaker, a tall woman waiting to see the governor. Very tall—she had a few inches on him at least. With luscious lips and a large chest, she had creamy skin and hair the color of gunpowder, and she was wearing a red dress missing most of its top half.”—Page 165


“That woman from before, the pretty one with the large eyes, stood nearby. Who else was suspiciously near?
Bleeder won’t be someone I can spot easily, Wax thought. The Faceless Immortals have centuries of practice blending into human society.”—Page 169

Lol, you’d be surprised sometimes they’re super obvious.

“Sometimes he felt he could see her form in their patterns: slight of frame, short hair splayed out as she moved, mistcloak fluttering behind her.”—Page 178

Is Vin going to come back?

“He’d visited koloss camps in the Roughs, even been invited to join their numbers.”—Page 183

Fun and totally not surprising fact.

“By the way, technically I’m not supposed to kill people. I…uh…think I already broke that rule tonight. If we happen to survive, please don’t tell TenSoon that I murdered a bunch of people. It upsets him.”—MeLaan, Page 185

TenSoon! My puppy!

“Or, you know, advocate workers’ rights to bring down working hours, improve conditions, and meet a base minimum of pay.”—Page 217

Give it time.

“‘Inject that into a kandra,’ MeLaan said, ‘and the liquid inside will make her shape droop for a bit. The skin briefly goes clear, reveals who she really is.’
‘Nifty,’ Wayne said.
‘One problem though,’ MeLaan said. ‘If you stick it into someone who isn’t a kandra, it will kill them.’”—Page 222

I forgot about this.

“‘Oh, yeah,’ MeLaan said, ‘because that makes sense. Worship the guy who died, rather than the one who saved the world.’
‘The Survivor transcended death,’ Marasi said, looking back, hand on the door, but not entering. ‘He survived even being killed, adopting the mantle of the Ascendant during the time between Preservation’s death and Vin Ascension.’
Rust…was she arguing theology with a demigod.
MeLaan, however, just cocked her head. ‘What, really?’
‘Um…yes. Harmony wrote of it himself in the Words of Founding, MeLaan.’”—Page 237

This is why we reread because Brandon is a sneaky foreshadowing bastard.

“‘Thy snoring,’ MeLaan said, ‘is rather loud.’
‘It doth be like unto an hundred angry koloss,’ MeLaan said, ‘in the middle of a rockslide. Lo, and it doth come near to waking the dead.’
‘Right…’ Aradel said.
‘Be on thy way, human,’ MeLaan said.”—Page 249

MeLaan, that was mean.

“That’s when I came upon a mountain pool of the most perfect blue, fed by the melting snows of the heights. Harmony, but I thought I’d reached Paradise.”—Page 256, Visitors from other Worlds

A southern attempting to go into/came out of a shardpool?

“You’d say, ‘What’s that, Kell?’
And they’d say, ‘That? That there’s the crapper.’
And you’d reply, ‘What do you do with it?’
And they’d say, ‘Well, Wayne, that’s where you put your crap.’”—Page 268

I’m 100% positive that Kell at some point would have this conversation but she you really be using his nickname like this? Isn’t that like using ‘god’ or ‘Jesus’?

“Next time, choose a body that’s been sitting around awhile, would you? Nice and aged is the best flavor for…”—MeLaan, Page 272

You mean rotten. This reminds me of the Vin-TenSoon conversation.

“The kandra are no longer trapped there. We move in society—we have homes, lives. If we want to meet up with others of our kind, we catch them at the pub.”—MeLaan, Page 274

My how things changed.

“Only instead of the Survivor, this time it had been induced by a psychotic murderer.”—Page 285

That’s debatable.

“‘Bother me? Why would it? Immortality is damn convenient.’
‘Don’t know about that,’ Wayne said. ‘Seems to me that it would be nice to finally be done, you know? It’s like…like you’re running a race, and you don’t know quite where the end is, but you got an idea. An’ you only need to make it that far. I can do that, I figure. But you, you don’t have to end.’”—Page 295

Like…Fleet who was racing a highstorm…did Hoid tell you that story, Wayne? God, Wayne just seems more and more like a worldhopper.

“Hammond, the Lord Mistborn, Lady Truth,”—Page 304

Who’s Lady Truth? Beldre? Tindwyl?

“Others contained depictions of the rebuilding of the world, or other relics such as s replica of both Harmony’s Bands and the Bands of Mourning.”—Page 306

You’re a book too early.

“A wolfhound, easily the largest he had ever seen, of a mottled grey coloring. The pelt reminded him of the mists.
‘I’ve read about you,’ Wax said.
‘Thrilling,’ the kandra growled. ‘I’m so happy Sazed included me in his little book so that drunk people can curse by my name.’
‘They…do that?’
‘Yes.’ The wolfhound growled quietly in the back of his throat. ‘There are…stuffed toys too.’
‘Oh yeah,’ Wax said. ‘Soonie cubs. I’ve seen those around.’”—Page 309

TenSoon, my puppy! You’ve returned! I want all the Soonie cubs.

“Wax stood up slowly. ‘It’s about Harmony,’
‘She’s trying to bring down God Himself.’
‘That’s insane.’”—Page 315

Is it? Is it really?

“For I too would pull a gun on Waxillium Ladrian were I to meet him in person!”—Page 321

Why is Jak so anti-Wax?

“The Lord Mistborn’s clasps of wasing” what on earth is that?

“‘You dug up her corpse?’ Wax asked in a pleading voice. He was having trouble seeing straight. ‘You monster. You dug up her corpse?’”—Page 353

Oh, my poor baby.

“‘She was sent to you long ago,’ TenSoon said, sitting back on his haunches. ‘The woman you knew as Lessie was always so one of us.’”—Page 365

My heart, it hurts.

“‘You don’t tie a belt, kandra,’ Aradel said. ‘You buckle it.’
‘No, no.’ MeLaan said, pulling it tight. ‘I mean, in making a noose. People always talk about guys hanging themselves in their cells, but I’ll be damned if I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have killed even the most frail mortal. I’ve got it wrong somehow.’”—Page 372

God, I love MeLaan. I hope she’s in every Mistborn book.

“Another god, Marasi thought, standing in the darkness. Not Harmony, not Ruin, not Preservation.”—Page 375


“The two of them remained there, not saying a word, though she did eventually rest her hand on top of his. The fire had felt cold to him, the air frozen, but that hand was warm.
Finally, he turned to the side, rested his head on her shoulder, and wept.”—Page 376

Ugh my poor baby! But my ship is sailing.