A review by inniebin
Omega Awakening by L.V. Lane



I am such a huuuuge fan of the Controller series - and this "prequel" type of edition didn't disappoint!

This book had all my favourite things in this series, it had parts I recognized from Lily's first book, making them slightly interlink - and I thought that was brilliant!
The book has a very good flow, I really loved the setting and how Verity's experiences are taken as "lessons in life" throughout the book. She's very young (18) and therefore has lived a very sheltered life - through her experiences in the hands of her stepmother and stepsister - has made her need to sort of "grow up" a lot earlier, she's a sweet young girl, but again she is only 18 and I thought the author managed to portray this very good in several scenes where I, as a much older adult, could see "hey...wait...that's OK, we all have a past", but Verity being so young - sticks to a first conclusion sort of almost "over-reaction" at times - which I found very fitting.

I loved her as a person, I loved her powers and how Ms. Lane manages to show us how difficult it must be - to have this spesific gift that Verity has. It's mentally very exhausting, and though some times very positive - we are also shown the dangers of it when you are pushed to your breaking point.

I loved Lily in this book and our "first peek" of her right before her own Book 1, and as I said it was slightly interlinked with Lily's first book, so we do recognize things from Lilly's book, just from a different perspective.

He was a breath of fresh air to be honest. He's not an "alpha-hole" in the ways that we are used to in the other books - or Alpha's in general.
He did remind me slightly of Lilly's father actually, in some of his mannerisms.
Woodrow is far older than Verity, he's in his early 40s, he's been in the army (forced conscription for 10 years is the norm for any Alpha in this series) - but he was also a Controller whilst there, and he also continued being a military man type afterwards, he for example was very familiar with our dear Ethan Black - because Black used to be one of his operators. :)
So again we get this interlink with Lilly's books.

I really loved Woodrow. He is very kind to Verity - his ultimate goal is to love her, show her love and give her and him a very happy, successful relationship.

But he's also not something you wanna mess with - we do see him in some good ole action and the way he treats and conditions Verity is also familiar to the other books, though ofc they are not in the army or in the war - but their own home etc.

All in all, I thought this was a super sweet addition to the series, and I hope this isn't the last we see of Woodrow and Verity.

Def. 5* from me!

I received this book as an ARC in return for an honest review.