A review by heatheray
Bleed Like Me by Christa Desir


The best way I would describe Bleed For Me is two incredibly broken teens who are headed down a path to destruction.

Amelia Gannon started out with a normal life, then her parents adopted 3 boys who lived on the streets from Guatemala. The boys were wild and took up all her parents time as Gannon was forgotten about unless she was needed to help out with her brothers. She only has one real friend, but they aren’t the type of friends who really sit and chat about life. I’m not sure if that’s more because Gannon doesn’t open up to people or if it’s just who they both are. Though I think that Ali kind of wanted more of a real friendship. She stuck by Gannon, pushed her to talk a bit, I think if Gannon would open up more, they would have an awesome friendship.

Then there is a Michael Brooks. We don’t know until farther along in the book what his background is so I won’t go into it in my review. I don’t like to post anything that really isn’t in or alluded to in the blurb. He is more broken that Gannon I think.

Gannon reminded me of myself (minus the cutting) in my worst relationship that I had. The things she says to Brooks took me back to that period in my life.

I want to say that Brooks wasn’t a very likable character, that was my initial reaction as I finished the book, but the more I think about where he came from, what he has gone through… he was still fighting to survive and that says something about him.

It felt like these two just were not good for each other and for the first time in a book I was hoping the main girl in the book would leave the main guy.

All in all Bleed Like Me was a good read. It was well written about a subject that I think a lot of people, especially teens go through. That being said since I mentioned teens, I wouldn’t have my teenage son read this even if it was his type of book. While it is a subject matter that I think is important that we acknowledge, the resolution to the book… I wish it would have gone another way. Then I would be ok with him reading the harder stuff in the book.

Thank you so much for my copy of Bleed Like Me.