A review by beyondevak
The Awesome Book About God for Kids by Sandy Silverthorne


The Awesome Book About God for Kids was a cute, kid-friendly book that presented stories from the Bible in a playfully creative way. I liked the way the book was laid out, with Scripture references at the beginning of each chapter, Bible stories with a twist in the middle, and a character reference associated with God at the end. The illustrations were simple and humorous. While I did generally like the book, I thought there were some liberties taken here and there with regard to content. The aforementioned liberties might be a bit confusing when students compare it to actual Scripture. This would definitely be a book that warrants detailed discussion so as to clarify the presented information. With that said, I do believe that this book would be a nice tool to use as a storybook conversation starter.

A complimentary copy of this book was received from the publisher via NetGalley. I was not required to give a positive review. The words I have expressed are my own.