A review by ultimatekate
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto by Chuck Klosterman


This book was HYSTERICAL. I mean, there were times where I was crying I was laughing so hard. And I liked the way his essays flowed from one topic to the next. My mind works much the same way; while I wouldn't necessarily compare Van Halen to The Dixie Chicks, the comparison makes absolute sense to me.

So let me tell you about the book. It's a collection of essays on pop culture, and by "pop culture", I mean everything from basketball to music to "Saved By the Bell" to the draw of tribute bands. The author is a little bit older than I am (read: 8 years), which means I didn't get all of his pop culture references (for instance, I don't really remember the Celtics/Lakers rivalry in the 1980s, considering I was 0-8 years old), but I think most people who grew up in the 1990s would get a lot out of it.