A review by books4dayswithrobyn
Strip Me Bare by M. Never


Up, down, up, down like a bloody rollercoaster my heartrate was, i was like yes! We have success! Lets stick with this then two chapter later I'm looking at my kindle like what went wrong!

Ryan and Alanna have a relationship that really brings out the feels, well it did for me.
Ryan's profession really brought out my ugly side in my head, the green monster.
I hated and loved what he did and i absolutely loved how dedicated he was to Alanna, a lesser man wouldn't have resisted the temptation literally chucked in his face but damn he really loves her.

I really liked Alanna!
She was so well written i could really see her and feel her emotions, she was feisty and driven to succeed and she didn't take no s**t.
I loved her relationship with her cousin and uncle, her dad was frosty but he has his reasons but still not everyone can have a warm loving dad.

So M. Never you really done it! You done so so well with this book like you have with every other book I've read of yours! I hope your giving yourself a huge pat on the back and writing me into a book with a hot stripper! Lol
