A review by sarahs_bookish_life
The Secret by Kathryn Hughes


I absolutely loved The Letter by this author so was very excited when I saw she had a new novel out and have been dying to read it.

As with The Letter, The Secret is also told through characters in the present day as well as returning to the past so that we can find out what secrets had been kept and why.

The whole story line revolves around two tragedies which in turn has affected the characters that have been left behind. The tragedies in themselves are heart breaking enough but it's with out a doubt the people that are left behind and how they are affected that really had an impact on me.

I could very much feel the pain of Beth and Michael and how desperate they were getting in trying to find a donor for their little boy. Beth has so much to deal with as it is, to lose her mother at the same time was really quite tragic. Going through her mothers stuff though after she has died, she comes across something that changes everything and in away gives her hope but also leaves her questioning everything about her past.

There were quite a few characters in this novel that I was really drawn to like Babs and little Mikey. Some certainly stand out more than others and even though I had empathy with some of them, I do wish some of them had acted differently.
I have to admit as much as I loved this story, I really struggled with getting my head around how some of the characters acted when finding out a certain secret. I think what happens with Pertula's father was something that may have been avoided, also Daisy, as much as I loved her character, again I couldn't understand her actions. I certainly think it is quite a thought provoking read that will challenge readers emotions.

The Secret is without a doubt a gripping and emotional read. There are quite a few surprises that really makes this book impossible to put down as I was totally caught up in the characters lives. Though I may not have agreed with some of the characters actions, The Secret is a wonderful and memorable read that will stay with me for a long time.

My thanks to Bookbridgr and Headline Press for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.