A review by amym84
Fully Ignited by Shannon Stacey


Scott Kincaid is tired of being a ladies man. He sees his sisters and best friends settling down and he realizes that he wants that too. He wants the wife and kids. So he's decided to stop all the meaningless hook-ups and take a break from dating, hoping this will clear his mind in order to find his future Mrs. When Jamie Rutherford is temporarily assigned as Lieutenant of Boston's Engine 59 Firehouse, Scott knows he needs to look the other way. But he can't help the attraction and chemistry between the two.

Jamie feels the same things for Scott, and besides for professional reasons, her time is extremely limited with Engine 59. She doesn't want to start something she feels will end as quickly as it began. Chemistry proves too much for these two to overlook, and they decide that having fun right now is all that should matter. Will they be able to keep their relationship when things take a serious turn?

For whatever reason, I connected more with Jamie and Scott than with Rick and Jess from [b:Controlled Burn|25125233|Controlled Burn (Boston Fire, #2)|Shannon Stacey|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1435813389s/25125233.jpg|44821176]. Don't really know why, it's just the way these things work out for some reason. I felt this was a different spin on the whole "office romance" trope since our characters are not in a typical office setting, working as firefighters and everything, but I quite liked it. I thought that heat factor and chemistry between Jamie and Scott was ratcheted quite a bit compared to what I remember in Controlled Burn.

The real connection between Scott and Jamie is undeniable and both of their reservations about starting a relationship are completely valid. The only thing that was off for me about this book was the "after effects" of the conflict. Readers know from the beginning about the time limit on Jamie's stay at Engine 59 - although to be honest this too feels extremely over exaggerated seeing as how even though she will leave Engine 59, Jamie still lives in Boston, she's not moving cross country. But I digress, I feel like there's this big build up for this inevitability. When it happens I wanted to more of what happens after before we get the conclusion. I felt like this was skimmed over and then we're right at the conclusion. I would have liked a little more balance.

Overall, though, I found any quibbles I might have to be quite minor in the grand scheme of things. I really enjoyed this read and I think if you've read Shannon Stacey's books before you'll enjoy this one too. If this is the first time you're picking up one of her books, this one stands on its own nicely, but it will probably make you want to go back and read the other books in the series.

*Arc provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.